从RHEL8/CentOS8开始,dnf取代yum作为rpm 包管理工具。与之而来的还有模块(module)这个东西。 有了它们的加持,让在同一个OS上安装不同版本的软件或者开发语言的工作比之前容易多了。
Modules are special package groups usually representing an application, a language runtime, or a set of tools. They are available in one or multiple streams which usually represent a major version of a piece of software, giving you an option to choose what versions of packages you want to consume.
To simplify installation, modules usually define one or more installation profiles that represent a specific use case. For example a server or a client profile in a database module.
一个软件可以有多个版本,每个版本对应一个stream. 在每个stream内部,又分为proile对应到安装场景(比如开发, server, client)。
如果module有多个stream(版本),会有一个是默认的, 在dnf命令输出里面在stream name后用[d]表示
如果某个stream有多个profiles, 会有一个默认的,在dnf命令输出里面在profile name后用[d]表示
Module install
dnf module install NAME dnf module install NAME:STREAM dnf module install NAME/PROFILE dnf module install NAME:STREAM/PROFILE
$ sudo dnf module list nginx Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs) Name Stream Profiles Summary nginx 1.14 [d] common [d] nginx webserver nginx 1.16 common [d] nginx webserver nginx 1.18 common [d] nginx webserver nginx 1.20 common [d] nginx webserver Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled
例子: 查看已经安装的module
$ dnf module list --installed Name Stream Profiles Summary nodejs 14 [e] common [d] [i], development, minimal, s2i Javascript runtime python39 3.9 [d][e] build, common [d] [i] Python programming language, version 3.9 Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled
dnf module list --installed 显示已经安装的module
查看输出 nodejs这一行表示:
14 [e]: 表示14这个版本(stream)已经启用了,用[e]表示. 这里[e]就肯定说明已经安装了
common [d] [i], development, minimal, s2i : 共4个profiles: common, devleopment, mininal, s2i。 其中common 是默认的Profile,用[d]表示,而且它已经安装在本机了,用[i]表示
查看输出 python39这一行表示:
3.9 [d] [e]: 3.9这个版本(stream)是这个module的缺省版本,用[d]表示;而且是已经启用了,用[e]表示。 这里[e]就肯定说明已经安装了
来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yahoon/p/16195431.html